About Kalopa Accounts

Kalopa Accounts is a cloud-based business management system designed for businesses just like yours. At Kalopa Accounts we work to simplify the layers of administration that are essential to controlling your finances. Our automated concierge software allows Kalopa Accounts to multi-task, synchronising your business processes to reduce your work load. Sell products to a customer and Kalopa Accounts raises a purchase requisition for your approval when stocks run low, automatically emails customer statements, and chases your customer for payment as invoices fall due. Reconcile your bank statement, and beanie posts your journal entries for withdrawals and receipts. Kalopa Accounts automated concierge prefills your VAT returns, and sends you a reminder to review and upload on time. We’re constantly working to find ways to streamline the back office tasks, so that you have more time to work on your business. Let Kalopa Accounts concierge perform the repetitive workload, leaving you to do the smart stuff. We know that you work hard to keep your business afloat. We know that after a long day of dealing with customers and suppliers, getting products out the door and chasing down late payers, the last thing on your priority list is updating the accounting system.

Kalopa Accounts wants to take the pain away.


By tracking the activities of your business, controlling purchases and sales, credit, dunning, and bank reconciliation. By making sure you always have just the right amount of stock on-hand to make your products and to fulfil your orders. We'll remind you when you need to download a bank statement and automatically reconcile it. We will remind you when your tax returns are due. We will let you know how your debtors are doing, and which ones could be an issue. We will also let you know how your business is doing, each and every day. You can upload any electronic documents you receive, and our machine-learning systems will attempt to process them and extract the relevant information. From online bank statements, through supplier invoices, and expense receipts. No more searching for pieces of paper at year end. We're here to try and make your life easier.